27 Oct Feasibility study shows business case Amazone Resources
On April 30th, 2016 CEO of Amazone Resources, Auke Piek, and Member of the Board, Cor de Ruiter, made final arrangements to develop the Amazone Resources FlexTank.
The FlexTank is a modular water bag, which will be specially modified to be able to transport large amounts of fresh water. The FlexTank will be pulled across the ocean by a tugboat.
The water bag will be manufactured by a consortium of researchers who had already developed a modular water bag under the name XXLRefresh in a research program funded by the EU. However, this bag was never taken into commercial production because funding of the project stopped. Amazone Resources decided that the bag developed by XXL Refresh is useful for large-scale freshwater export from Suriname to the Caribbean.
In the coming months, the team of researchers and technicians that is made up of Spanish, Italians and Turks will further modify the bag according to the standards and innovations requested by Amazone Resources. The plan is to do a test shipment by the end of 2016.
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