Frequently Asked Questions


General information

Who is Amazone Resources?

Amazone Resources is an innovative Swiss-Dutch-Suriname company.


Where is Amazone Resources situated?

The company was originally based in Switzerland, but its headquarters has now moved to Rotterdam, the Netherlands (Europe). The company also has a local subsidiary in Paramaribo, Suriname (South America).


Why did Amazone Resources choose to start its operations from Suriname?

Amazone Resources chose to start have her business activities in Suriname, because of all fresh water in rivers worldwide, 10% flows in Suriname’s rivers. That is an incredible source. In addition, due to her huge rain forest a continuous process of supply of “new” water by rainfall is assured.



Technical information

How will Amazone Resources bottle its water?

The local bottle factories and purification factories are built and operated in Suriname. This will provide for technical, other skilled labor in Suriname.


How will Amazone Resources transport fresh water?

The fresh water is abstracted from the river at 20 to 30 kilometres from the coast; beyond the salt-water border. At the point of loading a filtering and water treatment (with ultraviolet light and, depending on the quality of the tapped water, possibly other treatments) will be carried out. Although the transported water is not intended for drinking water necessarily, this will assure that the transported water will at all times meet international WHO standards for drinking water.


What amount of water flows in Suriname’s rivers?

Local studies have shown that there is an outflow of 151 billion m3 of fresh water annually from the Surinamese rivers in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the equivalent of 4800 m3 (or 4.8 million litres) per second.

In comparison: according to international WHO standards an average adult person per day uses 20 liters of water in his/her life. This is not drinking water but water for sanitary use (toilet), bathing, gardening, car washing, brushing teeth, washing dishes, washing clothes, etc.


What will be the impacts of water abstracting on Suriname’s environment?

International surveys in other parts of the world showed that tapping water up to 0.129% will not cause ecological disruptions.. The current intention for production is 0.0092%. However, independent engineers will carry out continuous measurement before, during and after Amazone Resources’ abstractions. Consequentially, tests will be analysed in the lab at the Anton de Kom Univeristy of Suriname and the Dutch lab, Eurofins Analytico.

The precise impacts of abstracting and transporting water are currently under investigation. The results will be laid out in an ESIA study and shared with relevant authorities, such as the Environment and Development Institute (NIMOS), the National Assembly (DNA) and the Ministry of Natural Resources.



What countries is Amazone Resources exporting to?

The economic feasibility study showed severe water shortages in several Caribbean countries. Amazone Resources will focus on the Caribbean region at the start of her operations.



Concession rights

What is the permitted concession period to abstract fresh water from Suriname’s rivers?

40 years, a Presidential Decree permitted this right in 2012. This decree is renewed in 2018.


When was the concession granted?

The concession was granted in 2012 by Presidential Decree, an associated Memorandum of Implementation was signed in 2014. The whole concession was renewed end enlarged in 2018.



Benefits for Suriname

What are direct benefits for Suriname from Amazone Resources operations?

Total revenues can only be calculated when commercial activities will start, momentarily the company is proving its practical feasibility including corresponding calculations. Commercial travels are expected not earlier than the second quarter of 2022.

Indirect benefits are amongst others opportunities for employment, not only within the company but also the developing water sector as a whole; an incentive to protect Suriname’s rain forest with spin-off effects for local communities. Moreover, Amazone Resources will initiate a fund aimed at local sustainability projects.


What amount of royalties is Amazone Resources obliged to pay the Suriname government?

Because commercial activities are anticipated as of 2022, the percentages increase as follows:

  • 2017-2022: 23% of the annual turnover
  • 2022-2027: 30% of the annual turnover
  • 2027-2052: 38% of the annual turnover


What taxes will Amazone Resources pay?

All taxes are paid conform Suriname taxing laws.


What will be other spin-offs thanks to Amazone Resources?

Amazone Resources views connecting and sharing of knowledge as key priorities. The company will team up with local institutes to actively engage in transfer of knowledge. Examples are:

  • Transfer and sharing of knowledge thanks to cooperation with the Anton de Kom University of Suriname on water studies and measuring equipment.
  • Sharing of data with local institutes
  • Continuous data collection on the status of Suriname rivers for policymakers
  • Social contributions through the Blue Gold Fund, which will finance sustainable projects
  • The rain forest itself is indispensable in the cycle of the renewal of fresh water. A water industry, based on preservation of rain forest, will help promote the potency of other emerging sectors such as carbon credits.


What is the Blue Gold Fund?

In line with the values of her business Amazone Resources would like to contribute directly to society, apart from her regular contributions to the State. To this end, a Blue Gold Fund will be initiated focused on projects spurring sustainable development. The establishment of the Fund will take place when commercial activities start.